A message can be left on the inspector’s voice mail.
BUILDING: For building inspections, it is appropriate to contact the building inspector directly (Tom Fulker) by cell phone (231) 690-0847. An inspection can also be requested through the Building office. Common building inspections.
ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING: Please leave a message/voice mail at (231) 757-9345 ext. 317 (Kevin Greiner, Electrical) ext. 316 (Tom Cosenza, Mechanical, Plumbing).
Inspections should be requested at least 2 business days prior to the date that the inspection is needed.
A re-inspection fee may be charged if an inspection is requested before completion of work, there is no access to the site, or excessive field corrections require follow-up visits.
Preparing for an inspection: On the day of your inspection, make sure that the address is clearly posted, property lines are clearly marked (for additions or remodels), and access to the site is available. Make sure the gate is open, a lock box combination is provided, the drive is plowed, and the structure is unlocked.
Cancelling inspections: If you need to cancel an inspection, please call the office between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on the day of the inspection OR call and leave a message on the voice mail of the appropriate inspector at least 24-hours prior to the planned date of inspection. You may also call the cell phone number of the inspector.
Inspection Results: An inspection sticker should bear the initials of the inspector who inspected the work and the date the inspection was passed. In the event that your inspection fails, a correction notice will be left on-site outlining the corrections required before the permit can be approved.