Mason County Michigan

Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Mason County Hazard Mitigation Plan has been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on May 2, 2024.  The plan review was based on the local plan criteria contained in 44 CFR Part 201, as authorized by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.  Mason County met the required criteria for a multi-jurisdiction hazard mitigation plan and the plan is now approved for the County of Mason. We are currently seeking approval from the townships of Amber, Branch, Custer, Eden, Free Soil, Grant, Hamlin, Logan, Meade, Riverton, Sheridan, Sherman, Summit, and Victory, the Charter Township of Pere Marquette, the cities of Scottville and Ludington, and the villages of Free Soil, Fountain, and Custer.  The approval of this plan ensures continued availability of the full complement of Hazard Mitigation Asssitance (HMA) Grants.  All requests for funding, however, will be evaluated individually according to the specific eligibility and other requirements of the particular program under which the application is submitted.

2024 Mason County Hazard Mitigation Plan click here

PLEASE NOTE: The 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan is the most current plan and expires in 2029.  Please feel free to contact the office to engage in the update process.