Mason County Michigan




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The Emergency Management Office is responsible for community preparedness and planning for natural and man-made disasters. The Emergency Management Coordinator works with all of the local emergency response disciplines to ensure that all training, plans, and equipment are ready to serve the citizens of Mason County in the event of a disaster.

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 While the local first responders (Police, Fire, and EMS) handle the daily emergencies that occur within the county, the Emergency Management Office prepares and responds to emergencies that are unique in nature or overwhelm the resources of the first responders.

In addition to ensuring that our community's first responders are ready for a disaster, the Emergency Management Office strives to ensure the individual citizens of Mason County are equipped to handle a disaster.

The Emergency Management Coordinator doesn't "run the show" when a disaster happens, but we function as a support to the incident command to coordinate resources and information and to communicate with the state for the emergency response community.



If you would like to learn more about Mason County's Emergency Management efforts, learn what hazards are being planned for, or would like to volunteer/assist in preparing the community, please contact the Emergency Management Office at 231-845-5911.