Parks & Recreation Commission
2023-2027 Five-Year Recreation Plan
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The Commission is a 10 member body established as provided by a state law. Members include the chairman of the Road Commission or one of its members, the Drain Commissioner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, a member of the County Board, and six members appointed by the County Board whose terms are for 3 years which are staggered so that two members are appointed each year. Generally at the first meeting of each year this group elects a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary to act for the Commission. The Commission lays out the capital improvement plans for the parks. Generally the commission meets four times a year unless the chairperson calls for special meetings due to need.
Wayne Andersen, Jeff Conklin, Michael Genter, Les Johnson, Charity Johnston,
Brian Koblinski, Debbie Roberts, Michael Shaw, and Jeffrey Schwass.
Thursday January 23, 2025, 2:00 p.m.
Mason County Parks and Recreation Commission
Mason County Airport Conference Room
5300 W. US 10 Highway
Ludington Michigan 49431
Open to the Public
Questions call Larry Protasiewicz, Secretary
To Be Scheduled