Lake Winds Energy Park
2013 Shadow Flicker Study Results (Power Point Presentation)
2015 Post Construction Sound Survey Results
Noise Level Compliance Report, 2016
Appendix to Noise Level Compliance Report, 2016
Noise Level Compliance Report, 2017
Bird and Bat Post-Construction Fatality Study, 2013-2015 and Appendix A
Bird and Bat Post Construction Study, Appendix B and C
The Lake Winds Energy Park Special Land Use Permit with exhibits (85 pages)
The Lake Winds Energy Park Special Land Use Permit without exhibits (35 pages)
Map of wind turbine locations and wind turbine number in the Lake Winds Energy Park
File a complaint regarding a zoning violation of the Lake Winds Energy Park-- see "Issues".
If turbines are making a "fog horn" sound on a frequent basis, such as every 15-30 seconds, call 1-855-352-5394 or 1-800-477-5050 to report the issue to Consumers Energy. Please provide your location/address.
For more information regarding the Lake Winds Energy Park, which contains 56 wind turbine generators located in Riverton and Summit Townships, go to or call toll free, 1-855-352-5394.