Mason County Michigan

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are more than just a meal! In addition to the nourishing meal, users appreciate the regular visit from their friendly driver.  There are many in-home services to help you remain independent. Meals on Wheels is available to people over the age of 60 and their spouses who cannot get out much due to illness or advanced age and who are not eating properly. Each caller will be interviewed as soon as possible to determine eligibility.  Meals are available as funding permits.

What are Senior Meals?
Nutritionally balanced meals prepared by the Food Service Department at Mason County Central Schools. (MCC) This program receives funding through Area Agency on Aging, United Way and Council on Aging and through our customer donations. The program is helpful to ensure a balanced nutritious diet and to provide for those who have difficulty preparing food. MCC Senior Meals works hard to ensure quality meals and genuine customer service.
Who Qualifies?
To qualify for Home Delivered Meals (HDM’s):
Senior citizens needs be 60 years of age or older and home bound.
You are unable to drive or transport yourself.
You have some difficulty cooking and preparing meals for yourself.
If you have a difficult time leaving your home and rely on family and friends to grocery shop, then you may be interested in our meal program. Our caring and dedicated staff delivers hundreds of meals a day to senior citizens throughout the county. We also provide cold second meals, a bagged breakfast and frozen weekend meals to meet the various needs of the senior community.  After being placed on the program, MCC Senior Meal Assessment Coordinator, Margo Terheggen, will visit you.  After welcoming you to the program, she will do an assessment to find out if you qualify for the program, It is a brief questionnaire. This is necessary to meet federal and state requirements.
To qualify to eat at our senior centers, you need to be 60 years of age or older. You may call or sign up a day in advance through the senior centers for a meal the next day. We require an information form to be filled out the first time you visit our meal program. If you are able to travel to any of our three Senior Centers located in Ludington, Scottville or Tallman, then you can receive tasty appetizing lunches served in a friendly atmosphere, while talking with friends and neighbors.
How much does it cost?
The suggested donation for seniors is $3.00, as established by the Mason County Senior Meal Program. Your contributions to the program allow us to provide more meals, maintain our vehicles and cover our overhead costs, so whatever you can donate is helpful. However, the MCC Senior Meal program will not deny a meal because you cannot pay for it. If you are under the age of 60, you are more than welcome to order a meal, the cost is $5.00. Our goal is to make sure that all senior citizens receive healthy nutritious meals.
We accept:
2:Checks written to MCC Schools
3: Federal Food Stamps.
You can pay on a weekly or monthly basis.  We are flexible and willing to work with you.
Who do I contact?
For more information or to receive meals from MCC Senior Meals program contact:
Mason County Senior Meal Program
Lois Cole – Director
What Will I Eat?
The meals served are nutritionally balanced as well as delicious.  All of our meals, hot, cold, or frozen, meet USDA requirements. A nutrition consultant at the Area Agency on Aging approves our menus.  Each hot meal includes:
1 serving of meat/ meat alternates.
3 servings of fruit and vegetables.
1 serving of bread
1 serving of milk
Cold and weekend meals vary slightly but all fulfill the USDA Recommended Daily Allowance for nutrition.  If you would like a copy of a menu, please contact us.
The following is a sample of what we serve daily.
Roast Turkey Sweet Potatoes Winter Blend Diced Pears
Dinner Roll 1% Milk.
Meals on Wheels participants give to the program through their meal donations, but many are only able to give a minimum ontribution.  Community gifts to Meals on Wheels supplement the participants’ meal donations and limited public funds to ensure that nourishing meals can be served to our older neighbors.  Gifts should be directed to the Senior Meals/Meals on Wheels Program and can be designated to a particular community or to help the program as a whole. Gifts can be made:
• For the current needs of the Meals on Wheels program
• To the Senior Meals Program Endowment Fund to supply future income
• By check or credit card
• By giving through a bequest, a will, an insurance policy or stock transfer
• By Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
• By adding Senior Meals/Meals on Wheels Program to your monthly bill paying option at your bank or Internet bill paying
• If you would like to donate call 231.757.4814
Gifts to the Senior Meals/Meals on Wheels Program are deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Call 231.757.4814 for more information about contributing to the Senior Meals/Meals on Wheels Program.
For other Senior Services Questions contact the Centers:
Ludington Senior Center 308 S. Rowe St. Ludington, MI, 231.845.6841
Scottville Senior Center 140 S. Main St. Scottville, MI, 231.757.4705
Tallman Senior Center 6765 E. Marshall St. Tallman, MI, 231.757.3306